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Adsum – The Newsletter of Mater Dei Seminary
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Newsletter Archives
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Letter from the Rector: Is the Pope a Communist? Francis has done many things that throughout his career as a Jesuit priest with “liberation theology”, and especially now as a false pope by promoting principles of Communism both in his addresses and his actions. The Devil and Bella Dodd outlines the journey of this former Communist and her conversion to the Catholic Faith. Instruments of Satan are not just limited to Communists; for many years the Freemasons have plotted to destroy the Catholic Faith from within by infiltration to the highest positions in the Church. Freemasonry Unmasked by Monsignor George Dillon is an excellent book on this topic. Our Lady’s warnings at Fatima (1917) that if mankind did not amend, Russia would spread her errors. Article: The Popes Against Communism & Socialism. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Honest Bankruptcy & The State’s Right over Private Property.
On a very cold Thursday in December, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a number of our seminarians received the major and minor orders. We congratulate our new deacons Rev. Mr. Noah Ellis (Tennessee), Rev. Frater Martin Sentman, CMRI (Michigan), Rev. Mr. Franz Trauner (Austria) and his brother Rev. Mr. Leopold Trauner (Austria); also our new subdeacons Rev. Mr. Anthony Alley (South Dakota), Rev. Mr. Kyle St. Aubin (Canada), and Rev. Mr. Lucas Costa (Brazil). We also congratulate those who received the minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte: Thomas Netzel (Washington) and Richard Lauricella (Washington); and those who received the minor orders of Porter and Lector: Julio Perez (California) and Jorge Diaz (California).
Letter from the Rector: Special request for prayers for one of our traditional Catholic families in Michigan- the Isaac Martin family. They had just left Mass on Sunday, November 10 when they were involved in a tragic car accident, which took took the life of Alexa Martin who was seven months pregnant and her two year old daughter Zelie. Alexa was a devout Catholic, wife and mother. Fr. Ephrem Cordova, CMRI underwent brain surgery to correct chronic issues that he has dealt with for 24 years. Almighty God in His Divine Providence has provided a surgeon specializing in this area. Father is making a remarkable recovery and is hopeful to return to his priestly duties as pastor of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary in Phoenix. Importance of Catholic education to foster priestly and religious vocations. Please remember our seminarians who will be advancing in the month of December to the Major and Minor Order. The Dedication of St. Peter’s Basilica from Pilgrim Walks in Rome by P.J. Chandley, S.J. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Missing Sunday Mass for Vacation & Legislative Problems.
Letter from the Rector: Visit to the grace of the late Archbishop Peter Martin Ngo-Dinh-Thuc. In October of 1981, he consecrated Bishop Moises Carmona who in turn consecrated me in September of 1991. Christ gave a Divine Mission to His Church to continue His work here on earth. Divine Savior established St. Peter as the Rock upon which He would build His Church and guaranteed that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. Down through the centuries, the Popes, the successors of St. Peter, have consistently preserved the true faith in fulfillment of the mission. Christ established in His Church, a magisterium, that is, a teaching authority which would be protected by the attribute of infallibility. How do we reconcile the infallibility of the magisterium of the Church with the errors that emanated from Vatican Council II? The answer is simple: they cannot be reconciled. The modern hierarchy of this Conciliar Church does not represent the magisterium of the Church. The purpose of Mater Dei Seminary is to form seminarians in the traditional Catholic Faith to be truly other Christs to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to administer the Sacraments, and to preach the true Faith. Outlines of Moral Theology (Francis Connell): Extreme Unction
Letter from the Rector: Seminary classes have resumed at Mater Dei Seminary. Each year brings new young men to our seminary. First two years are dedicated primarily to the study of philosophy, dogmatic theology, Latin, Sacred Scripture, and ascetical theology. After their two year studies in philosophy, they receive the clerical tonsure and begin their studies in moral theology and canon law (as well as dogmatic theology, Latin, liturgy, ecclesiastical history, and patrology. (During these years the clerics receive their minor and major orders.) All these classes are covered by Fr. Borja, Fr. Sandquist and myself. Seminary schedule and prayer life: Holy Mass, the Divine Office, meditation, the rosary, and spiritual reading. Helps to form our seminarians with the good habit of good use of their time: a time for prayer, a time for study, a time for manual labor, a time for recreation, and a time for rest. As priests one day, they will need to practice discipline to follow a schedule in order to be effective for God’s glory and salvation of souls. Please pray for success of this new seminary year. Poem: A Priest by Lacordaire; Prayer: Prayer to St. Michael (composed by Pope Leo XIII on Sept. 25, 1888); Outlines of Moral Theology (Francis Connell): Sponsors at Baptism; Sponsors at Confirmation.
Letter from the Rector: Prayers for the repose of the soul of Mr. Carlos Zepeda, the father of Fr. Zepeda who passed away on August 5th in Guadalajara, Mexico. Father was able to return to Mexico to be with his father. 35th year of seminary classes will commence shortly. We will begin with 21 seminarians and our facilities will be filled almost to full capacity. Our boarding students at Mater Dei Academy will number nearly 40. Divine Providence always provides for our needs. Reprinting manuals in philosophy, theology, and Canon Law which are no longer in print. Several summer camps for our Catholic boys and girls were held around the country. Priests in the Midwest organized a boys’ camp in Wisconsin and there were nearly 70 boys in attendance. In Omaha, the CMD Sisters sponsored their 29th girls’ summer camp with over 150 girls participating. Article: The Life of Fr. Pierre De Smet: Apostle of the Rocky Mountains (an excerpt by Fr. E. Laveille, SJ); Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Military Activities Contrary to the Law of God.
Letter from the Rector: End of our 34th year of scholastic studies at Mater Dei Seminary with ordinations on May 11. Congratulations extended to Rev. Noah Ellis (Kentucky) & Frater Martin Sentman, CMRI (Michigan) who received the subdiaconate; to Anthony Alley (South Dakota), Kyle St. Aubin (Canada), and Lucas Costa (Brazil) who received the minor orders of exorcist and acolyte; to Julio Perez (California) and Jorge Diaz (California), who received first clerical tonsure. Required retreat prior to ordinations with conferences and spiritual exercises. Article: The Church Teaches: Excerpt from Mystici Corporis by Pope Pius XII (1943) & Excerpt from the Church of Christ by Rev. Van Noort. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: The Physician’s Professional Secret & Obligations of Condemned Criminal.
Letter from the Rector: 25th Anniversary of the episcopal consecration of Bishop Martin Davila. After death of Bishop Moises Carmona in 1991, I assisted the priests known as the Trento priests until 1999 when I petitioned them to elect one of their own to be consecrated bishop. First met Bishop Davila in 1991 when he accompanied Bishop Carmona to Mt. St. Michael’s in Spokane, Washington for my episcopal consecration. Over the years, have grown in my appreciation for the pastoral care that Bishop Davila has exhibited for his flock. He has under his episcopal care approximately 30 priests who operate extensively throughout Mexico. His Excellency has also assisted the Catholic faithful in other countries throughout the world. He consecrated Bishop Pio Espina in Argentina at my recommendation. We three bishops have a close relationship to continue the mission that Christ commissioned His Apostles. Article: The Martyrdom of Fr. Miguel Pro. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Certainty of the Fulfillment of the Premarital Guarantees.
Letter from the Rector: Great blessing of life in seminary is living in close proximity to the Blessed Sacrament. After morning prayers and meditation, our seminarians assist daily at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and are nourished with the Living Bread that has come down from heaven. When they recite the Divine Office and the Holy Rosary, their prayers are in His Divine Presence. Month of April is dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament. Let us draw near His Heart to be inflamed by His Divine Love. Apparition of the Angel of Portugal to the Fatima children and the prayer he taught them. In these times of apostasy, let us truly treasure the Holy Eucharist. Pictures of the Holy Week Ceremonies, CMRI Brothers 1st Year Vows, and CMD Religious Vows Ceremonies. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: The Repetition of Extreme Unction & Presence at Non-Catholic Services.
Letter from the Rector: March issue of the Adsum dedicated to St. Joseph. Invoke St. Joseph during this month for more vocations to the priesthood and the religious life. St. Joseph’s protection over our seminarians: secular seminarians at Mater Dei Seminary in Nebraska & Iowa and the religious seminarians in northern Idaho at St. Louis de Montfort Seminary. Number of priests has wonderfully grown which has necessitated holding our annual meetings in January with the CMRI religious priests and in July with our secular priests. Both work together and assist one another under my spiritual direction. Visit from Bishop Martin Davila from Mexico early this month and his upcoming 25th Anniversary of Episcopal Consecration. Article: A Masterpiece of Craftsmanship by a seminarian. Statement of Principle: CMRI and the Liturgy of Pope Pius XII Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Hypnotism in Dentistry
Letter from the Rector: Unique Mass for every single day of Lent to inspire us with greater love for Our Divine Savior. Saints tell of benefit of meditation on the Passion and Death of Our Lord. Many devotions during this Holy Season, recitation of Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and of the Stations of the Cross are highly encouraged. Among many spiritual reading books that treat on the sufferings of Christ, St. Alphonsus Liguori’s The Passion and Death of Christ, and Goodier’s book with the same title are particularly inspirational. List of bishops consecrated during the time of interregnum between the death of Pope Clement IV (Nov. 29, 1268) and the election of Blessed Gregory X (Sept. 1, 1271). Historical precedence for the consecration of bishops when the Seat of Peter is vacant. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Bombing of Civilians & Prizefighting and Boxing.
Letter from the Rector: The clergy and seminarians of Mater Dei Seminary sincerely wish all of our friends and benefactors a most blessed Christmas and grace-filled New Year! We thank you for your prayers and support this past year. Please be assured of our prayers and sacrifices for all you. On feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we congratulate Rev. Franz Trauner and Rev. Leopold Trauner (Austria) on the reception of the Subdiaconate; Frater Martin Sentman, CMRI (Michigan) on the reception of the minor orders of exorcist and acolyte; Anthony Alley (South Dakota), Kyle St. Aubin (Canada), Thomas Netzel (Washington), Richard Lauricella (Washington), and Lucas Costa (Brazil) on the reception of the minor orders of porter and lector. Classes to resume after the Christmas/ Epiphany season. Short article on St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr. Outlines of Moral Theology by Francis Connell: Circumstances of Restitution & Causes Excusing from Restitution.
Letter from the Rector: Pray for the Holy Souls during the month of November. Priests and seminarians visit the beautiful church of St. Joseph in Earling, Iowa and the adjoining cemetery. Solemn High Mass for the feast of the Divine Maternity, our seminary Patroness. Seminarians carry the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in a Rosary Procession on October 13th. Work of the seminary is so essential- to prepare young men to carry on the mission of the Church to save souls an to be other Christs. Please pray for the seminarian who will be taking steps towards the major and minor orders on Dec. 12th. Fr. Eugen Rissling recently blessed a new chapel for his congregation in Ulm, Germany. Bishop Pio Espina traveled to the Philippines to administer Sacrament of Confirmation. Excerpt from the American Ecclesiastical Review: Catholics Assisting at an Invalid Marriage.
Letter from the Rector: Devotion of the daily recitation of the holy Rosary has been the spiritual weapon that has saved the Church and Catholic nations from the attacks of our enemies, both visible and invisible. Battle of Lepanto; Pope Leo XIII great devotee of the Rosary. Our Blessed Mother has exhorted us to pray the Rosary in her apparitions at Lourdes and Fatima. In these terrible times of immorality and godlessness in society, let us take up our spiritual arms of the holy Rosary and the Brown Scapular to aid us to persevere in our Catholic Faith. Solemn High Mass on feast of St. Michael. Vestments used for this occasion were a gift of the Carmelite Sisters in Guadalajara. Titular feast of the seminary- the Divine Maternity, Oct 11, is always special to the clergy and seminarians. Excerpts from the Life of Pope St. Pius V. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Flour for Altar Breads.
Letter from the Rector: Mater Dei Seminary begins its 34th year of scholastic studies. Every year young men, not only from the US but also from other countries, come to the seminary to prepare to become other Christs. Important part of their formation is that they foster a great love and devotion to the Mother of God. Long time tradition to begin classes on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8th. Followed closely by several other very special feasts: September 12th, feast of the Holy Name of Mary; September 15th, the Seven Sorrows of Mary; and finally September 24th, the feast of Our Lady of Ransom (Bp. Pivarunas’ anniversary of episcopal consecration in 1991). Acquisition of the new seminary ten acre property a few years ago has been very providential. Situated in the country to create a spirit of retreat and recollection. Throughout this month, a number of visits from some of our priests around the country. Fr. Gerard McKee,CMRI , Fr. Joseph Appelhanz, and Fr. Carlos Zepeda. Article: Take up Thy Cross and Follow Me” (The North American Martyrs) Fr. Connell Outlines of Moral Theology: Nature of Law.
Letter from the Rector: “Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity.” Every year our religious priests and secular priests gather for meetings and conferences not only to review matters of moral and dogmatic theology, canon law, the liturgy, and pastoral issues, but also to maintain unity among the clergy. Religious priests meet in January at Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane and the secular priests meet at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Omaha. Those overseas join in on Skype to be united with their fellow priests in the conferences and discussions. Twenty-two Masses to be offered before starting our meeting at 10 am. In Canon Law, newly ordained priests are required to continue ecclesiastical studies and our priests’ meetings provide for them as well as a necessary review for our older priests. Visit from Bishop Pio Espina who traveled from Argentina to Omaha for a wonderful visit in order to confer with one another on the mission of the Church, “to teach all nations, all things whatsoever He (Christ) commanded. Bishop Espina brought pictures of the early days in Argentina when I first visited back in the 1990’s. In less than two weeks, Mater Dei Academy will begin classes for our 36th school year followed by the beginning of our new scholastic year for Mater Dei Seminary, which will be our 34th year of classes. Forever grateful to Almighty God and the Blessed Virgin Mary and we cannot thank all of you enough for your continued prayers and support for the seminary. Article on Father Damien, the Leper Priest. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Adolescent Company Keeping.
Letter from the Rector: Retreat every year during the week of Corpus Christi for our priests and religious Sisters. Concluded with a Solemn High Mass and Corpus Christi Procession to honor Our Lord in the Sacrament of His love. Among the many spiritual advantages of our priests and religious is living in close proximity with the Blessed Sacrament. It is the center of our lives and a tremendous Treasure Our Lord has left us. Blessed with “perfect” weather for the processions- mild temperature, very little wind and a wonderful setting sun beaming rays of light past the outdoor altar. Opportunity on a pastoral visit to Argentina to see the magnificent gold threaded chasuble used by Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (the future Pope Pius XII) in the Solemn Pontifical Mass during the Eucharistic Congress in Buenos Aires (1934). Also was shown the newspaper article on this occasion with amazing pictures of the vast throng of Catholic clergy and faithful present to honor the Eucharistic King. There were over one million people in attendance and some 70,000 first communicants all dressed in white. Cardinal Pacelli was overwhelmed with emotion and began to weep for joy. Great is our privilege to preserve the traditional Catholic Faith in these times; let us always treasure Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of His love! Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: The Mixed Marriage Guarentees and Marriage of a Minor.
Letter from the Rector: Seed of vocations are fostered in the atmosphere of good Catholic families. Joy to see the first blessing of a newly ordained priest to his parents. Many prayers and sacrifices have been made by fathers and mothers to support their sons on their spiritual journey especially during their formation in the seminary. Friends and benefactors of Mater Dei Seminary are a part of the spiritual work of the seminary in the formation of men for the priesthood. The seminary could not adequately function without your prayers and financial support. For this the seminarians, priests, and bishop are most grateful. Each month a special Mass is said for the benefactors of the seminary. Pictures of the First Masses of the newly ordained priests. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Assistance at Mass in the “Crying Room” and Sunday Observance.
Letter from the Rector: Month of May brings a close to another scholastic year for our seminary. Conclude with advancement of our seminarians toward their goal of the priesthood. Gratitude to Almighty God and the Blessed Virgin Mary that five new priests were ordained on May 11th. Congratulate Fr. Aloysius Hartman, CMRI (Arizona), Fr. Adam Craig (Michigan), Fr. Giles Pardue (Alabama), Fr. Caleb Armour (Scotland), and Fr. Matias Chimenton (Argentina). Also congratulate our seminarians who received the First Clerical Tonsure: Thomas Netzel (Washington), Richard Lauricella (Washington), Anthony Alley (South Dakota), Francisco Gomez (Mexico), Lucas Costa (Brazil), and Kyle St. Aubin (Canada); also, Frater Martin Sentman, CMRI who received the minor orders of Porter and Lector, and those who received the last two minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte: Noah Ellis (Kentucky), Franz Trauner (Austria), Leopold Trauner (Austria), and Krzysztof Handke (Poland). On the occasion of the priestly ordinations, there weer 27 religious and secular priests present to assist at the Solemn Pontifical Mass. Many of these priests attended Mater Dei Seminary as far back as 1989, when the seminary first moved from Mount St. Michael in Spokane, Washington to Omaha, Nebraska. Fr. Adam Craig will be sent to Minnesota to assist Fr. Molina at Immaculate Conception; Fr. Giles Pardue will be sent to Louisiana to work with Fr. Francis Miller, OFM; Fr. Matias Chimenton will be sent to Denver to work with Fr. Zepeda at Our Lady of the Snow; Fr. Caleb Armour will be with Fr. Heyne in Germany and work both there and in his homeland of Scotland; Fr. Aloysius Hartman, CMRI will return to Idaho to work with Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI and Fr. Gregory Drahman, CMRI at Mary Immaculate Queen and St. Joseph Minor Seminary. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: How Early in an Illness May There Be Anointing of the Sick?
Letter from the Rector: The clergy and seminarians of Mater Dei Seminary wish all of you a most joyous and grace-filled feast of Our Lord’s Resurrection! This issue features photographs of Holy Week and a number of ceremonies during the season of Lent. Announcement of the upcoming ordinations to First Tonsure and minor orders on May 9th and the subdiaconate and priesthood on May 11. Please pray for our seminarians. Five new priests to be ordained and they will celebrate their first solemn Masses on the following days. Congratulations to the four new CMRI novice brothers: Bro. Simon Marie (Gabriel Davis, IA), Bro. John Marie (Jesse Sand, MN), Bro. Anthony Marie (Thaddeus Kuck, NE), and Bro Mary Jude (Kirk Thompson, CA). April is dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament. More Answers to Today’s Moral Problems: Falsehoods by One in Authority & The Conscientious Ballplayer
Letter from the Rector: The saints and spiritual writers tell us of the beneficial devotion of meditation on the Passion of Christ. The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and Stations of the Cross help us call to mind the great love of Our Divine Redeemer. Old Testament prophecies foretell the future sufferings of the Messiah. Outlines of Moral Theology by Fr. Connell: Regulations on Fast and Abstinence.
Letter from the Rector: In your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Susan Walz, the mother of Fr. Augustine, CMRI. It is a tradition that the linen bands that wrapped the anointed hands of the newly ordained priest are buried with his mother. Seminary classes were interrupted for two days in order for our seminarians to serve and sing on this occasion. Besides Susan having been the mother of a priest, her grandson, Thaddeus Kuck, is also a CMRI religious seminarian who will be received as a novice this coming month of March. Important part of spiritual preparation of the seminarians for the priesthood is the inculcation of a special love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Reflections on the Apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette at Lourdes, France. Candlelight Rosary procession in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes concluded with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Outlines of Moral Theology by Fr. Connell: The Order of Charity.
Letter from the Rector: Celebrate the Manifestation of Our Divine Savior to the Magi by means of a miraculous star during this Epiphany season. Striking similarity exists between the vocation of the Magi and the calling of a young man to the holy priesthood. Prayers for more young men to follow the “star” of a priestly vocation which God manifests to them. The Shrine of the Three Kings. Outlines of Moral Theology by Fr. Connell: Charity: Co-operation
Letter from the Rector: Christmas greetings. Photographs of recent ordinations to major and minor orders. We wish to congratulate Franz and Leopold Trauner (Austria), Krysztof Handke (Poland), and Noah Ellis (Kentucky) on their receptionof the minor orders of Porter and Lector; Frater Alphonsus Vincent, CMRI (Idaho) on the reception of the minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte; Rev. Caleb Armour (Scotland), Rev. Giles Pardue (Alabama), Rev. Matias Chimenton(Argentina), Rev. Adam Craig (Michigan), Rev. Wojciech Wieckowski(Poland) and Frater Aloysius Hartman, CMRI(Arizona) on the reception of the Diaconate. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Anesthesia to a Dying Person
Letter from the Rector: Bishop Pivarunas, Bishop Davila, and Bishop Espina were in attendance at this year’s Fatima Conference at Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, WA. Keynote address given by Bp. Espina. Opportunity for the bishops to discuss their different missions in the US, Mexico, and South America. Important consideration during their meetings was the need to provide a traditional bishop for our priests in Europe. Importance of traditional Catholic bishops in these times of Apostasy. Promise of Christ to His Apostles. False hierarchy of the Conciliar Church of Vatican II. If Christ were with the Vatican II hierarchy, how could He have allowed them to publicly promote the heresies of false ecumenism, religious indifferentism, religious liberty, and modernism? These errors have been clearly condemned by previous popes. Substantial change in the form of consecration of bishops introduced by Paul VI in 1968. New form neither expresses the power of the order that the bishop receives nor the grace of the Holy Ghost- both of which are necessary for the conferring of episcopal consecration (Sacramentum Ordinis Pope Pius XII, 1947) Fulfillment of Christ’s promise in the traditional Catholic bishops who both possess valid orders and profess the Catholic Faith whole and entire. Prayers for our seminarians who will receive minor orders and our subdeacons who will advance to the diaconate this coming December. God willing we will have 6 new priests ordained in May at the end of our scholastic year. During month of November, seminarians will have many opportunities to assist the Holy Souls in Purgatory. More Answers to Today’s Moral Problems: Country or Conscience?
Letter from the Rector: In the month of October we celebrate titular feast of our seminary, “Mater Dei”, the Mother of God on Oct. 11, feast of the Divine Maternity. Title was chosen back in 1989 when the seminary was transferred from Mount St. Michael in Spokane, WA to Omaha, NE. The seminary is another Nazareth to prepare future priests. Our Lady is an important part of these formations. Feast established by Pope Pius IX in 1931 to commemorate the 1500th anniversary of the Council of Ephesus in 431. The occasion of this Ecumenical Council was to condemn the heresy of Nestorius. The Council reiterated the teaching of the Church that Christ was one Person with 2 Natures and rightly was Mary to be called the THEOTOKOS– the Mother of God. Wonderful examples over the past 33 years of Mater Dei Seminary of the maternal care of Our Blessed Mother for our seminary. The most recent was the acquisition of our 10 acre property 3 years ago out in rural Iowa. Atmosphere full of peace and quiet, which is so conducive for meditation and reflection. Our Blessed Mother certainly took care for us to have the financial means to acquire the property. The same can be said for our novitiate in western Colorado and our major religios seminary and minor seminary in northern Idaho. Situated well out of the city, the atmosphere is so much an aid to recollection and union with God. These houses of spiritual formation will provide Holy Mother the Church with her future priests and religious. Both Bishop Martin Davila (Mexico) and Bishop Pio Espina (Argentina) will join us for the lectures and activities in the upcoming Fatima Conference in Spokane, Washington. Outlines of Moral Theology: Institution of the Sacraments / The Minister of the Sacraments.
Letter from the Rector: Secular priests meeting in July at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Omaha, Nebraska. 19 of our secular priests gathered for conferences and discussions on various topics in Canon Law, Moral Theology, and Dogmatic Theology. Wonderful mean to maintain unity among our priests and also to coordinate our priestly work. Joined via Skype by Bishop Pio Espina (Argentina), Fr. Rissling and Fr. Heyne (Germany), Fr. Casas-Silva (Argentina), and Fr. Saunders (Germany). Six altars in use at the same time. Reminder of Old Testament prophecy of Malachias. Seminarians have been helping out in parishes around the country during the summer. Classes will resume in a few weeks. 19 secular seminarians at Mater Dei and eleven religious seminarians and brothers in formation between Idaho at St. Louis De Montfort Seminary and Colorado at St. Joseph’s Novitiate. Six seminarians are in their final year before ordination to the priesthood in May. Outlines of Moral Theology: The Nature and Various Kinds of Conscience.
Letter from the Rector: Many institutions under the spiritual care of His Excellency as bishop and CMRI Superior General. General Chapter of the CMRI Sisters and Diet for the CMRI priests and religious at Mt. St. Michael’s om Spokane, WA. Chapter is a gathering of professed religious to elect a Mother General and 4 Sister Consultors, to review constitutions and rule of the Congregation. This takes place every 6 years. Rev. Mother Mary Agnes, CMRI was re-elected as the Mother General. A Diet is a gathering of professed religious in between Chapters. No elections occur but important matter are discussed amongst the CMRI priests and religious that pertain to religious life. Bp. Mark Pivarunas as the Superior General of CMRI is required to be present for both Sisters’ Chapter and priests’ Diet. Congratulations to Brother Martin Marie, CMRI (Michigan) on his first vows and also Brother Mary Fidelis, CMRI (California) who was received as a novice brother. Relocation of religious seminary from Olathe, Colorado to Rathdrum, Idaho. Fr. Bernard Welp, CMRI will move to Olathe as the superior of novices. Our priests and religious have conducted various summer camps for our boys and girls around the country. For Midwest, Fr. Michael Sellner organized a boys’ camp near Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin along the picturesque Mississippi River. Fr. Philip Davis, CMRI conducted a boys’ camp in the scenic Pacific Northwest in the mountains of northern Idaho. Fr. Gabriel Lavery, CMRI held his boys’ camp along the beautiful rivers in Ohio. The CMRI Sisters had their St. Philomena’s Girls Camp at Mt. St. Michaels. And finally, the CMD Sisters had their 27th annual girls’ camp in Nebraska and Iowa with a record number of girls-161. Some secular seminarians did not travel home. Have been assisting in different parishes around the country as well as at the various boys’ camps. Franz and Leopold Trauner from Austria have done amazing work on the two side altars for Immaculate Conception Church in Sartell, MN. Francisco Gomes from Mexico has kept up with the grounds around the new seminary property in Iowa. Article: St. Philomena, Virgin and Martyr. Outlines of Moral Theology: The Profession of Faith.
Letter from the Rector: Approval of Mater Dei Seminary to receive foreign students through Federal government SEVIS program since 2004. Recertification every 2 years to maintain status. Seminary class schedule organized for six year limit on foreign seminarians’ visas. Total of 5 years (10 semesters) of classes in philosophy, Latin, dogmatic and moral theology, Canon Law, liturgy, Sacred Scripture, Church history, etc. One year after ordination, newly ordained priests continue formation under spiritual direction of older experienced priests in our churches around the country. Wonderful experience of Catholicity of the Church with seminarians from Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Austria, Scotland, and Poland besides our American seminarians. Occasions when necessity required seminarians to have classes during the summer months in order to be ordained half a year earlier. Practice of bination and trination based on moral theology Canon Law, and spiritual plight of many souls throughout the world. Late Bishop Carmona offered five Masses on Sunday in addition to hearing confessions and performing baptisms for his extremely large parish Divina Providencia in Mexico. Serious financial difficulties and other hardships that may make it hard for families to move to larger Mass locations. Many of our churches and chapels in the US started out as small missions and have grown to large Mass centers with convents and schools. Gratitude to the religious and secular priests working under my spiritual care for their generosity in the service of God. Travel great distances for the salvation of souls. 25th Anniversary of Priestly ordination for Fr. Michael Anaya. Prayers for repose of the soul of Fr. David Baryj. 36th Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI, pastor at Mt. St. Michael’s. Annual retreat during the week of the feast of Corpus Christi. Words of Our Lady of Fatima in regard to modesty. Parents need to be extraordinarily cautious to keep their children from occasions of sin and to uphold the Catholic standards of modesty in dress. Outlines of Moral Theology: The Necessity of Faith.
Letter from the Rector: Conclusion of seminary & academy classes. Creation of Catholic atmosphere for parish and academy in order to foster vocation to priesthood & religious life. A number of vocations have come from our school and boarding houses: Fr. Carlos Borja, Fr. Philip Davis, CMRI, Fr. Timothy Geckle, & Fr. Stephen Sandquist graduated from Mater Dei Academy and moved on to study at Mater Dei Seminary. Sr. Jeanne Marie, CMD, Sr. Maria Gabriella, CMD, Sr. Josephine Marie, CMD, Sr. Margaret Mary, CMD, Sr. Noelle Marie, CMD, Sr. Mary Dominica, CMD, Sr. Maria Lucia, CMD, Sr. Evangeline Marie,CMD, Sr. Mary Elizabeth, CMD, & Sr. Marie Bernadette, CMD. Fostering of vocations; Academy has a spiritually healthy schedule of daily Mass, frequent confession, recitation of the Rosary, and the various liturgical ceremonies and monthly devotions. Congratulations to Fr. Timothy Geckle on the work in Arkansas; recently completed two beautiful churches in Mt. View and the other outside of Little Rock for his growing flock. Recent blessing of these two churches. Next undertaking is the renovation of a house on the church property in Mt View for a convent. Feast of Pentecost: work of the Holy Ghost in souls. Guide of the Catholic Church. Excerpt from The Blessed Eucharist Our Greatest Treasure by Fr. Michael Muller, CSSR: The Most Holy Festival of Corpus Christi and its Origin. Outlines of Moral Theology: The Nature of Charity.
Letter from the Rector: Holy Week and the celebration of the most solemn events in the history of mankind– the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. e liturgy. Visiting priests for the chanting of Tenebrae and the Mass of the Chrism: Fr. Anaya (Washington), Fr. Trough (Alabama), Fr. Philip (Idaho), Fr. Molina (Minnesota), Fr. Geckle (Arkansas) & Fr. Augustine (Colorado). Sanctuary size constrictions with the priests and seminarians. Upcoming ordinations to the subdiaconate, minor orders, and tonsure on May 11, the feast of Sts. Philip and James. Outlines of Moral Theology: Lies
Letter from the Rector: One of the four marks of the True Church of Christ- the Catholic Church- is that it is one. One in faith, one in worship, and one in authority. Confusing days for the world and for the Church. Importance of maintaining unity amongst traditional Catholics. There have been and will be differences of opinion in matters that have not been authoritatively settled by the Church. Necessity to avoid divisions on matters of opinion. Fr. Cekada’s article “Follow Me or Die!” We see in the history of the Catholic Church differences of opinion. Major dispute between Franciscan Order and Dominican Order prior to proclamation of dogma of Immaculate Conception. Difference of opinion between Holy Office and Roman Rota regarding the diriment impediment of impotency. Difference between St Thomas Aquinas, O.P & St. Bonaventure on essential words in form of consecration of the Holy Eucharist. We must learn to agree to disagree and avoid unnecessary conflicts: “in matters of Faith, unity; in matters of opinion, liberty; in all things, charity.” Excerpt from The Golden Rule or The Book for All “On the Difficulties of Governing.” Outlines of Moral Theology: The Nature of a Contract
Letter from the Rector: Clergy & Seminarians of Mater Dei Seminary sincerely wish all of you a very Blessed Christmas and grace-filled New Year! Ordinations on the transferred feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Four seminarians received the last two minor orders. Excerpt from a book on the image of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe: Guadalupe, What Her Eyes Say by Francis Anson. Interview of renowned ophthalmologist who examined the eyes on the tilma. Our Lady’s words to Juan Diego: “Let nothing discourage you, nothing depress you. Let nothing alter your heart or countenance. Also do not fear any illness and vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection?” Comfort of Our Lady’s words in these difficult times. Outlines of Moral Theology: Sobriety & Drunkenness.
Letter from the Rector: 30th Anniversary of the Death of Bishop Moises Carmona. Brief synopsis of his life and priestly work in Mexico. Transfer of his body from the cemetery to the church crypt: body found to be incorrupt. Seminarians had several opportunities to sing and serve at several funerals this year. Experience is a great learning lesson for them as they prepare for the priesthood. Prayers for our seminarians who are preparing for advancement to the priesthood with the reception of minor orders on Dec. 13th, the transferred feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Month of November dedicated to Holy Souls. In Memoriam: Bishop Moises Carmona Rivera. Outlines of Moral Theology: Superstition.
Letter from the Rector: New scholastic year: Seminarians from Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, France, Scotland, and Poland. Differences on natural level- but on a supernatural level very much the same. Congratulations to Frater Aloysius Hartman, CMRI on the profession of final vows at the Pontifical High Mass on Oct. 7 at the Fatima Conference at Mt. St. Michael’s. Attended St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary in Rathdrum, ID and now is at the religious seminary house in Olathe, CO under Fr. Gregory Drahman, CMRI. In addition to classes taught by the Bishop, Fr. Borja, and Fr. Sandquist, Fr. Gregory teaches a Greek class via Skype for our seminarians: Visit of a Servite Brother, Br. Mario, OSM who was a refugee from Cuba. Daily Recitation of Holy Rosary: Feast of Our Lady of Fatima- Candlelit Rosary Procession. Christopher Columbus: Devout Catholic, Great Discoverer excerpt from The Trials and Triumphs of the Catholic Church in America. Outlines of Moral Theology: Hope.
Letter from the Rector: 30th Anniversary of Episcopal Consecration by the late Bishop Moises Carmona: Sept. 24. Episcopal Motto: To lay down one’s life for the sheep. Second Vatican Council: erroneous teachings on false ecumenism, religious indifferentism, false religious liberty. Promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missae. Visit to Mexico for ordinations & confirmations. Christ’s warning: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. In these confusing times we need true Catholic bishops and priests: Provide for needs of the Faithful over the years: Consecration of 2 bishops: Bishop Daniel Dolan (1993) and Bishop Martin Davila (1999). Ordainations of over 40 priests. In addition to the clergy, several religious congregations under spiritual care of Bishop Pivarunas comprising about 120 consecrated souls of Sisters and Brothers. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it.” By the mercy of God and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary that we succeed in any of our apostolic endeavours. Recent pastoral visit to France, Germany, & Italy to administer Sacrament of Confirmation. Assistance of Don Josef Weissensteiner. Meeting with Fr. Le Gal and Fr. Machiset in France. In Germany, with Fr. Rissling and Fr. Heyne. In Italy, with Don Floriano Abrahamowicz. Opportunity to visit the shrine of St. Mark in Venice. Begin our seminary classes this month for the secular seminarians: 15 young men. Fr. Gregory Drahman, CMRI will have 4 religious seminarians in Colorado. Join us in praying for a spiritually successful 32nd year of Mater Dei Seminary. Outlines of Moral Theology: Religion in General and Prayer
Letter from the Rector: Visit to Mexico for ordinations & confirmations. Fervor of the traditional Catholic faithful south of the border. Approximately 100 faithful who became soldiers of Christ. Carmelite religious ordained to the major order of Subdeacon. Two religious congregations under spiritual care of the bishop: Carmelites & Sisters of the Divine Providence. Construction of new church in El Carmen to be blessed next visit. Upcoming trip to Germany, France, & Italy to administer Confirmation. St. John Marie Vianney, Cure of Ars- Patron of Parish Priests. Outlines of Moral Theology: Sanctification of Feasts (Part II)
Letter from the Rector: Annual secular priests’ meeting held at the end of June in Omaha. Multiple Masses offered each morning; potluck dinner for priests and parishioners. Review of matters in theology and canon law. Number of pictures of seminary: located in quiet, rolling countryside in Iowa: 50 minutes from Omaha. Blessed with this 10 acre retreat-like property with large pond and huge out building for storage. Herd of 14 cows are divided between seminary and convent for grazing. Livestock provide generously for the seminary, convent, and boarding school with milk, cheese, butter and meat. Upcoming seminary year: 6 new seminarians- 3 from US, 1 from Poland, and 2 from Brazil. Outlines of Moral Theology: Sanctification of Feasts
Letter from the Rector: Annual Retreat for the priests & religious during week of Corpus Christi: Solemn High Mass & Procession of the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lord must be the center of our lives: Most important part of the day for a priest or religious, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 14 cows that provide milk, cheese, and beef to feed us throughout the year. Convent sits on five acres of property and seminary on 10 acres. Recently the beef cows managed to escape. After 25 hrs, the escapees were found 3 miles away. Secular priests to gather in Omaha for annual priests’ meeting. 17 priests expected to be in attendance. Discussion of matters of dogmatic and moral theology as well as practical pastoral questions and continued development of unity amongst them. Richness of the the sacred liturgy in the celebration of feasts of our precious Catholic Faith. Month of June dedicated to the Sacred Heart. Modesty in dress and Our Lady of Fatima. Article on St. Anthony of Padua. Outlines of Moral Theology: Common Law Marriage
Ordinations to the Minor Orders for several of our seminarians. Rogation day procession and chanting of the Litany of the Saints. Article: The Path of Mary (1878). Outlines of Moral Theology: Fortitude
Providential decisions of Pope Pius XII: Eucharistic Fast: Restored Order of Holy Week- beautiful ceremonies of Easter Vigil and of Holy Week in general. Church’s infallibility extends to general discipline of the Church and that of the Sacred Liturgy. 23 Priests and Seminarians participated in Chanting of Tenebrae. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Military Activities Contrary to the Law of God.
Letter from the Rector: Importance of the Sacred Liturgy: Seminarians receive first hand experience by assisting our priests throughout the year in baptisms, funerals, weddings, religious vows, litany processions, and confirmations. Unique privilege to serve at sacred ceremonies of Holy Week. Seminarians have received their particular assignments as to which of our priests they will accompany to our various churches throughout the Midwest for Holy Week. Besides classes and studies, the seminarians do have manual labor. Assist with the care of our dairy cows; herd of 14 cows. Daily feed over sixty people including priests, seminarians, Sisters and boarding students. Cows have been a great investment over past 14 years. Month of March dedicated to St Joseph: patron of the universal Church and special patron of vocations. Excerpt from Roman Breviary: March 17th- Feast of St. Patrick. Outlines of Moral Theology: Mortal & Venial Sin.
Letter from the Rector: Season of Lent and three primary means to practice sacrifice and penance: fasting & abstinence; 40 days and 40 nights Our Lord fasted and prayed in the desert. Sacrifice of sleep; Christ spent many sleepless nights in prayer. Endurance of inclement temperature; freezing temperatures as low as negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit in Nebraska! Our Lord invites us to follow Him and take up our crosses. St. Louis De Montfort: Friends of the Cross. Installation of wood stove at new seminary. Seminarians help cut wood on Saturday to keep seminary warm. Also assist with snow maintenance of our church and school parking lots and sidewalks. Candlelight Rosary in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes. Importance of liturgy and Gregorian Chant: Blessing of Candles and Solemn High Mass on Feast of the Purification. Outlines of Moral Theology: The Factors of Morality.
Letter from the Rector: Acquisition of a new larger church for our parish in St. Cloud, MN. Within six week period, church was purchased and old church sold. Momentous task to move and to transform new church into a beautiful Catholic sanctuary. Seminarians joined Fr. Molina, Fr. Sellner, Brother Mary Xavier, the CMD Sisters, and many parishioners in a “marathon” to renovate in time for first Mass to be offered there on Jan 1st. Blessing of New Church on Jan. 16th followed by Pontifical High Mass. Great Deal of Construction work to be accomplished but this is an answer to many prayers to Our Lady, St. Philomena, and St. Joseph. Another major project was the installation of new carpet in Mary Immaculate Catholic Church where our seminarians are ordained. After nearly 30 years, old carpet needed to be replaced. Solemn High Mass on feast of Epiphany. St. Ambrose’s famous discourse “De Virginibus” on the virtues of St. Agnes. Outlines of Moral Theology: Oaths.
December 2020:
Letter from the Rector: Sincere Wishes for a Blessed Christmas and grace-filled New Year! Announcement of the ordination of three new priests this past Dec. 12: Fr. Denis McGuire (Connecticut), Fr. Carlos Zepeda (Guadalajara), & Fr. Josef Weissensteiner (Austria). Memorable day as many Catholic faithful came to experience the beautiful Pontifical Mass & Ordination ceremonies. Fr. Zepeda will join Fr. Geckle in Arkansas and cover our Mass centers in Oklahoma. Fr. McGuire will join Fr. Gronenthal at Our Lady of the Sun in Phoenix, Arizona and assist Fr. Ephrem Cordova, CMRI at Queen of Most Holy Rosary. Fr. Weissensteiner will return to Europe to assist Fr. Floriano Abrahamowicz in Treviso, Italy. Our religious seminarians traveled from western Colorado to join our secular seminarians to assist at the ordinations and first Solemn High Masses of our new priests. Christ the Prince of Peace. Outlines of Moral Theology: Restitution Because of Damnification.
November 2020:
Letter from the Rector: International seminarians were able to come to join us for this fall: Rev. Josef Weissensteiner together with three other Austrians and one Argentinian; On the feast of Sts. Simon & Jude, October 28th, Caleb Armor (Scotland), Giles Pardue (Alabama), & Matias Chimenton (Argentina) received the clerical tonsure and Rev. Josef Weissensteiner the diaconate. Month of November dedicated to Holy Souls. The Pope Speaks: Fashion & Virtue. Outlines of Moral Theology: Hiring & Renting
October 2020:
Letter from the Rector: Upcoming elections: Widespread moral and spiritual problems much more than political. Solution to world’s problems contained in message of Fatima. Third secret to have been revealed in 1960. Year of radical changes: Second Vatican Council: errors previously condemned were promulgated; false ecumenism, religious indifferentism. New order of the Mass in 1969: Striking departure from the Catholic Mass as defined by Council of Trent. New Rite of Consecration of Bishops introduced in 1968. Witnessing today nothing less than Great Apostasy: Need amendment of life, prayer and sacrifice for sinners, daily recitation of the Rosary and recourse to Her Immaculate Heart. The Pope Speaks: Moral Obligation to Vote. Outlines of Moral Theology: Fraternal Correction & Almsgiving.
September 2020:
Prayers for the repose of the soul of Fr. Anthony Cekada of St. Gertrude the Great in Cincinnati, OH. Distinguished writer with a brilliant mind and great sense of humor. New Scholastic Year has begun: 17 seminarians- 10 secular and 7 religious with more on the way from other countries. Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows: Jacob Hasbrouck (Michigan) was received as a novice brother; new name Brother Mary Joachim, CMRI. Two new postulants: William Sentman (Michigan) and Justin Miller (California). Reception of Cassock for five seminarians. Vows for the Sisters of the Congregation of the Mother of God. Seeds of Vocations planted in hearts of the youth by witness to the generosity of religious. Civil unrest in our country: God always has final victory and Mother of God ever crushes head of Satan. Turn to Almighty God for His protection and have recourse to our heavenly Mother. Outlines of Moral Theology: Sobriety and Drunkenness.
August 2020:
Secular priests meeting in Omaha, NE during the summer: Religious priest meeting in Spokane, WA in Jan.; Solemn High Mass on Aug. 11, the feast of St. Philomena. Four young ladies to join the Congregation of the Mother of God. They operate nine parochial schools in six states and number 33 Sisters. Completion of construction of new classroom and extension of chapel at the new seminary property. New scholastic year for the seminary to begin on Sept. 8, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 10 secular seminarians here at Mater Dei and 7 young religious men in Olathe, CO. Upcoming priestly ordinations of Rev. Denis McGuire (Connecticut), Rev Carlos Zepeda (Mexico), and Rev. Josef Weissensteiner (Austria) on December 12th, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Upcoming Annual Fatima Conference in Spokane, WA. Excerpts from Mary’s War Against Communism by George Montague, S.M.: Outlines of Moral Theology: Scandal (Continued)
July 2020:
Seminary to resume classes in September: Religious Seminarians will be stationed in Colorado under the direction of Fr. Gregory Drahman, CMRI; Secular seminarians will remain in Omaha. Short history of Mater Dei Seminary; Bro. Alphonsus Maria, CMRI takes First Vows: Sr. Frances Marie, CMD takes her Final Vows. Civil unrest and instability in our society: Warning of Our Lady of Fatima on errors of Communism. Month of July dedicated to Most Precious Blood of Jesus; price of our redemption: pray and sacrifice for conversion of poor sinners; Outlines of Moral Theology: Scandal
June 2020:
Annual retreat: Corpus Christi Solemn High Mass and Procession of the Blessed Sacrament. Priest is an “alter Christus” and acts in person of Christ. Mass must be center of the priests’ life. Summer full of many activities for the seminarians and religious Brothers: Construction at seminary to expand chapel and enlarge the classroom. Maintain two large gardens, landscaping at the seminary and general maintenance of church, seminary, and convent. Our seminarians and religious enjoy a peace and tranquility out in the country far removed from all distractions and turmoil of city life. Resumption of parish life in our parishes. Sisters will hold 25th annual Girls’ Camp. Outlines of Moral Theology: The Holy Eucharist as a Sacrifice.
May 2020:
Crosses and blessings of the state mandated health restrictions. Extra class time with seminarians and completion of numerous work projects on new seminary. May 11, feast of Sts. Philip & James: Reception of Clerical Tonsure for Adam Craig (Michigan) & conferral of the diaconate on Rev. Denis McGuire (Connecticut): Importance of Mary in the spiritual life of the seminarians; Consolation and Comfort in the Words of St. Bernard on the Gospel of St. Luke: Outlines of Moral Theology: Other Potential Parts of Justice: Piety; Other Potential Parts of Justice: Duties of Parents
April 2020:
Easter Greetings: Seminary classes continue as normal despite COVID-19; Priests continue to provide Mass & Sacraments every weekend in the Midwest. Holy Week: Sacred Liturgy; Assistance of the seminarians by serving: Palm Sunday, the Chanting of Tenebrae, Mass of the Chrism; Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, Good Friday liturgy, Easter Vigil; Part of Seminary Training. Upcoming ordinations on May 11; Major Orders & First Tonsure. Outlines of Moral Theology: Effects of Holy Communion; Parents Receiving With First Communicants
March 2020:
Renovations on new seminary property; Completion of new seminary chapel: schedule of life in seminary revolves around Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Construction of new walk-in freezer; large donation of 18,000 lbs of meat. Frederic Kannengiesser, seminarian from France; received the minor orders of Porter and Lector. Pray to St. Joseph, the patron of vocations, for an increase of vocations: The Passover, an exerpt from The Tragedy of Calvary by Fr. James Meagher: Outlines of Moral Theology: Sobriety and Drunkenness.
February 2020:
Bi-annual priests’ meetings at Mount St. Michael in Spokane, Washington. 28 priests in attendance for conferences and discussions; Important factor to maintain unity. Over 150 priests and religious under the spiritual care of Bp. Pivarunas: Final Vows of Brother Thomas Marie, CMRI. Jacob Hasbrouck received as a religious postulant in the Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. Vows for a number of religious Sisters of the Congregation of the Mother of God. Excerpt from History of All the Great Empires of the Earth by Rev. James L. Meagher. Outlines of Moral Theology: Almsgiving & Fraternal Correction.
January 2020:
Chair of Unity Octave Prayers; Special prayers for the conversion of non-Catholics. Octave begins on the Feast of St. Peter’s Chair at Rome (Jan. 18)- Ends on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle (Jan 25); Daily Special Intentions: Work for the Conversion of souls to Christ; Celebration of First Solemn High Masses; St Francis Xavier, Patron of Foreign Missions: Outlines of Moral Theology: Fortitude.
December 2019:
Joyful Occasion of the Ordination of Three New Priests and One Deacon at Mater Dei Seminary: Fr. Michael Sellner (Minnesota), Fr. Joseph Appelhanz (Colorado), Fr. Joseph Pham (Vietnam), & Rev. Carlos Zepeda (Mexico). Twenty-two Priests in Attendance at Pontifical High Mass: Our Lady of Guadalupe. Celebrate the Birth of Christ: God’s Special Love for Humble and Simple Souls. Outlines of Moral Theology: Veracity
November 2019:
Month of November is month of the Holy Souls: Doctrine of Purgatory in Sacred Scripture and Tradition: Old Testament & New Testament; Early Church Fathers: Liturgy of the Church. Requiem Mass replaced in Novus Ordo with Mass of the Resurrection. Spiritual Work of Mercy to Pray for the Dead: Importance of Atonement and Expiation for Sins. Upcoming Priestly Ordinations on December 12 at 8:00 am; Your Cross by St. Francis de Sales. Moral Theology: Assistance at Mass in the “Crying Room”: Sunday Observance.
October 2019:
Feast of the Divine Maternity Instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1931: Commemoration of 1500th Anniversary of Council of Ephesus: Condemnation of the Errors of Nestorius. Oct. 11th: Titular Feast of the Seminary; Solemn High Mass & Exposition of Blessed Sacrament. Acquisition of a New Property for the Seminary; 10- Acre Property with Housing for 15-20 People. Closed on the Property on the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom. Younger Seminarians Took Up Residence on Feast of the Holy Rosary; Secluded and Wonderful Retreat Atmosphere; First Vows of Brother Alexius, CMRI; Reception of Cassock for New Seminarians; Fatima Conference in Spokane, WA; Moral Theology: Can a Debt Be Outlawed?
September 2019:
Thirtieth anniversary of Mater Dei Seminary in Omaha, NE (1989 to 2019). Originally located at Mt. St. Michael’s in Spokane, WA.; Twenty- seven priests ordained in the past thirty years, Ordination to the diaconate on the 24th of August for Rev. Mr. Joseph Pham from Vietnam. Letter to former diocese in recent issue of Reign of Mary. Upcoming priestly ordinations in December. Tribute to Bishop Peter Martin Ngo-Dinh-Thuc: Soldier of Christ. Reflections on the Life of a Seminarian: The Divine Office; Moral Theology: Catholics Assisting at an Invalid Marriage.
August 2019:
The feast of St. Ignatius Loyola and the Society of Jesus; the Missionary endevours of the Jesuit missionaries; St. Francis Xavier, Blessed Edmond Campion, Blessed Robert Southwell, St. Isaac Jogues, St. John de Brebeuf, and other North American martyrs. Fr. Marquette, Fr. De Smet, Fr. Caltaldo, Fr. Pointe & Fr. Ravoli. Tragedy to see this once glorious Catholic Order now fall so low into heresy and apostasy: Destruction of Vatican II. St. John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests; Moral Theology: Preaching the Efficacy of Perfect Contrition.
July 2019:
Priests retreat & religious retreat; summer catechism classes, administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation throughout the Midwest: Bi-annual priests meetings; review of moral & dogmatic theology, canon, and liturgy. Unity, charity, and promotion of vocations. Upcoming summer camps; Monitum from His Excellency: Pastoral Exhortation on Modesty; Moral Theology: Military Activities Contrary to the Law of God.
June 2019:
Dedication of MIQ Church in Rathrum, Idaho; blessing of large Stations of the Cross, Solemn chanting of Vespers, Blessing of the Church and a Solemn Pontifical High Mass. St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary nestled in mountains of northern Idaho; Upcoming Ordinations in December to the priesthood of three seminarians. St. Anthony Guide- S.A.G.; Moral Theology: Repetition of Viaticum
May 2019:
Ordinations on the feast of Sts. Philip and James: Ordination to the Diaconate of Rev. Mr. Michael Sellner (Minnesota) and Rev. Mr. Joseph Appelhanz (Coloado); Ordination to the Subdiaconate of Josef Weissensteiner (Austria), Denis McGuire (Conneticut), Carlos Zepeda (Mexico), and Joseph Pham (Vietnam). Three new priests to be ordained on December 12th. Vocations to the seminary and convent; provide students at Mater Dei Academy with Catholic atmosphere. Moral Theology: Oaths in Legal Documents
April 2019:
Similarity of the Passion of Christ and the spiritual passion of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. Our Lord’s warning: strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. Pope Leo XIII forewarned this in his Motu Propio of September 1888. The multiple heresies uttered by Francis I make him a public and manifest heretic and no pope. Recent joint declaration with the Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb and Amoris Laetitia are a few examples. By Divine Law, public, manifest heretics are barred from papal office: Quotations from Popes, Doctors of the Church and Canonists: Moral Theology: Parental Responsibility in Restitution; Restitution to an Insurance Company.
March 2019:
The Novus Ordo Missae: A Striking Departure from Catholic Theology of the Mass as Formulated by Council of Trent: the Ottaviani Intervention: Alfred Card. Ottaviani and Antonio Card. Bacci. 50 Years Since the new “Mass”. The Importance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Moral Theology: It is Forbidden to Refuse the Sacraments on Information Derived from Confession:Priests Engaged in Secular Work
February 2019:
The Major Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette; Apostasy through False Council of Vatican II: Spiritual Crucifixion of the Church; Importance of Humility & Devotion to Our Blessed Mother for Perseverance; Moral Theology: Payment of Correct Price & Restitution to an Insurance Company.
January 2019:
The First Solemn High Masses of our Three Newly Ordained Priests; Supernatural Joy in these Wonderful Events: Gratitude for Your Prayers and Support of our seminary: The Epiphany Season and Importance of Cooperation with God’s grace: The Shrine of the Three Kings; Moral Theology: Sunday Morning Confessions.
December 2018:
The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Joyful Occasion of the Ordinations of our seminarians by Bishop Martin Davila. Bishop Pivarunas convalesces from recent heart attack. Message of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego. Moral Theology: The State’s Rights over private property; Parental responsibility in restitution.
November 2018:
The prophecy of King David concerning the Priesthood of Christ; Psalm 109: Announcement of the Priestly Ordinations of Rev. Mr. Tien Le, Rev. Mr. Jeremy Saunders & Rev. Mr. Stephen Sandquist, as well as the conferral of subdiaconate and minor orders. Congratulations to Bishop Daniel Dolan on 25th Anniversary of Episcopal Consecration: The Dignity and Virginity of the Mother of God excerpts from Father Suarez; Moral Theology: The Freezing of the Sacred Species & Public Mass for Non-Catholics
September 2018:
30 Years Since Transfer of Seminary from Spokane WA to Omaha NE: 15 Seminarians in residence and 4 younger religious at the novitiate in Colorado: Sept 8, Frater Aloysius Hartman renewed vows for 3 years and Christian Pawloski was received as a novice taking name of Brother Mary Alexius; Mark Vincent & Clayton Wright entered the CMRI Congregation as postulants: Our Blessed Mothers protection and God’s Divine Providence. A Priest’s Hands by Fr. Oswald Baker; Moral Theology: The Morality of the Ouija Board
August 2018:
Recent priests’ meetings in Omaha; 24 Priests in Attendance including Fr. Pio Espina from Argentina: Importance of Maintaining Unity and Providing Mutual Support Among Our Clergy. Two Beautiful Feasts in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the Assumption and the Immaculate Heart. Powerful Advocate & Intercessor with her Divine Son: The Assumption Proclaimed by Pope Pius XII; The Last Resting Places of the Apostles and Evangelists from Catholic Gems and Pearls: Moral Theology: The Church Fast and the Eucharistic Fast; Immoral Actions of Children
July 2018:
Fr. Gregory Drahman, CMRI 25th Anniversary of ordination to priesthood. Golden Jubilee of Rev. Mother Mary Agnes, CMRI; Biannual Priests’ Meeting, Milites Christi Boys’ Camp, MICC Girls Camp: 16 Seminarians attending in the fall; The Pope Speaks: Pope Pius XII on Conscience and Education; Moral Theology: Superstition
June 2018:
Priests & Religious Retreat: Feast of Corpus Christi; Deacons will continue classes during summer: former Novus Ordo priest, Joseph Pham: Prayers for Theresa Sandquist, mother of one of our deacons: CD Recording of First Solemn High Mass of Fr. Philip Davis; St. Anthony of Padua. Moral Theology: Aleatory Contracts
May 2018:
Ordinations took place on May 3rd, the Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross: 12 seminarians advanced to Tonsure, Minor Order, Diaconate, and Priesthood. Frater Aloysius Hartman (Arizona) and Joseph Pham (Vietnam) received First Clerical Tonsure; Denis McGuire (Connecticut) and Carlos Zepeda (Mexico) were ordained to the first two minor orders; Michael Sellner (Minnesota), Joseph Appelhanz (Colorado), Josef Weissensteiner (Austria), & Fray Juan Alberto O.M. Carm. (Mexico) were ordained to the last two minor orders; Rev. Mr. Stephen Sandquist (Nebraska), Rev. Mr. Tien Le (California), & Rev. Mr. Jeremy Saunders (Canada) were ordained to the diaconate,; Fr. Philip Marie Davis, CMRI (Colorado) was ordained to the Holy Priesthood. Solemn Pontifical Mass & Ordinations were about three and a half hours and was accompanied by a magnificent choir. Gratitude for your prayers and support; Moral Theology: Buying and Selling
April 2018:
Upcoming Ordinations on May 3rd: First Tonsure & Minor Orders: Priestly Ordination of Frater Philip Davis, CMRI (Colorado): Ordination to the Diaconate of Rev. Mr. Stephen Sandquist (Nebraska), Rev. Mr. Tien Le (California), & Rev. Mr. Jeremy Saunders (Canada). Many of the Seminarians Traveled to Various Mass Centers Around the Country to Assist Our Priests with beautiful Holy Week Ceremonies: Month of April dedicated to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament: Instruments of the Passion at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome, Italy: Moral Theology: Priests Engaged in Secular Work: Premarital Instruction of a Non- Catholic
March 2018:
Reflections on Holy Week: Goal at Mater Dei is to train the seminarians to be prepared for the ceremonies and comprehend spiritual significance of the sacred liturgy. Old Testament prophecies of Isaias and the Our Lord in His Passion: Statement of Principle: CMRI and the Liturgy of Pope Pius XII; Moral Theology: Choosing a Particular Priest to Officiate at a Marriage Ceremony
February 2018:
The recent passing of the late Bill Hornung from Immaculate Conception in Burlington, Colorado and Raymond Klabenes from St. Theresa’s in O’Neill, Nebraska. Wonderful examples of a truly Christian life. Prayers for the repose of the soul of Thommy Williamitis of St. Theresa’s in Lebanon, Ohio: Reminders that our life on this earth is fragile and that we could be called to eternity when we least expect it. Old Testament Types of Jesus Christ by Fr. Knecht. Moral Theology: Temperance
January 2018:
Priestly ordinations in Guadalajara, Mexico of two Carmelite religious and conferral of first two minor orders to another Carmelite. Beauty and simplicity of their religious life. Spiritual care of the Sisters of the Divine Providence. Sacrament of Confirmation: strong faith and fervor of the Mexican faithful. Upcoming bi-annual priests meeting. 60th anniversary of death of Pope Pius XII: theme for Fatima Conference in October. Arrival of two new seminarians: one a former Novus Ordo priest who has realized invalidity of his orders. Moral Theology: Remote Preparation for Marriage
December 2017:
Photos of Recent Ordinations on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dec. 12th at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church: Pontifical High Mass. Fr. Kyrssov (Russia), Fr. Heyne (Germany), Fr. Gilchrist (Australia) and 17 Other Priests From Around the USA were Present for the Occasion. First Solemn High Mass of Rev. Fr. Augustine Walz (Wisconsin) Offered on Feast of St. Lucy. Promotion of Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Moral Theology: Sanctification of Feasts
November 2017:
Upcoming Ordinations on Dec. 12th at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church: Preparations for Retreat. Remembrance in Your Prayers for our Seminarians: 30th Anniversary of Mater Dei Academy. Reflection upon the Four Last Things: Why Do We Pray For the Dead? Moral Theology: The Virtue of Veracity
October 2017:
100th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparitions at Fatima: We Must Live the Message of Our Lady. Daily Rosary, Prayer and Sacrifice for Poor Sinners. Importance of Modesty in Dress and Behavior: the Great Apostasy and Crisis in the Church. Christopher Columbus: Devout Catholic, Great Discoverer. Moral Theology: The Effects of the Mass: Mass Stipends
September 2017:
Seminarians and boarder boys witness total eclipse of the sun: Reminder of the wonderful world the good God has created: August 5, the feast of Our Lady of the Snow, Brother Aloysius Hartman, CMRI took his first vows as a religious and Brother Louis Marie, CMRI (Christopher Peck of Indiana) became a novice brother. Denis McGuire (Connecticut) recieved the Clerical Tonsure on August 16, feast of St. Joachim. Mater Dei Seminary begins its 28th year of classes on September 8. Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel composed by Pope Leo XIII. Moral Theology: Injustice in Reference to Intermediate Goods.
August 2017:
Consecration of our parishes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Act of Consecration for those who wish to join with our priests: consecrate your families. Message of Our Lady of Fatima: 117 girls in attendance for girls’ camp followed by 41 boys for boys’ camp: biannual priests’ meeting. Final vows of two religious seminarians- Frater Augustine Walz (Wisconsin) and Frater Philip Davis (Colorado). Moral Theology: Buying and Selling
July 2017:
St. Maria Goretti, example for our Catholic youth: Our Lady’s words at Fatima during July apparition: Boys’ and Girls’ Camps: Biannual Priests’ Meeting. The Harmony and Consistency of the Teaching of the Catholic Church on Baptism of Desire. Origin of St. Anthony Guide. Moral Theology: Sharing Our Good Works, Especially Holy Communion, With Others: Eucharistic Fast
June 2017:
Public chanting of the Litany of the Saints; Novena in preparation for feast of Pentecost. Importance of prayer especially in the life of priests and seminarians: Upcoming priest and religious retreat. Words of Wisdom from the Golden Rule or the Book for All: St. Thomas Aquinas on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Moral Theology: The Virtue of Piety.
May 2017:
Ordinations at Mater Dei Seminary took place on May 11th, the Feast of Sts. Philip and James. Bestowal of the first clerical tonsure and investiture with the surplice. The conferral of the minor orders of exorcist and acolyte. The major orders of the subdiaconate and the diaconate. Moral Theology: Drunkenness, a sin against sobriety.
April 2017:
Easter greetings: Holy Week ceremonies: Palm Sunday, the chanting of Tenebrae, Mass of the Chrism with blessing of Holy Oils, Mass of the Last Supper with washing of feet, sacred liturgy on Good Friday, and Easter Vigil. Liturgical training for seminarians as future priests. Upcoming bestowal of clerical tonsure and major and minor orders. April the month of the Blessed Sacrament. Church blessing in Harmony, MN on the feast of St. Joseph. Josef Weissenteiner recieves the minor orders of porter and lector. Moral Theology: Hearing Mass over the Radio.
March 2017:
Visit of Josef Weissensteiner, our Austrian seminarian studying under Fr. Abrahamovicz. Ordination to the minor orders of Porter and Lector. Update on our missions in the Philippines and assistance of these missions through the St. Francis Xavier Missionary Fund. Upcoming blessing of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Harmony, MN on the feast of St. Joseph. Prayers for Vocations. A review of the Catholic teaching on baptism of blood and desire. Moral Theology: The Virtue of Abstinence.
February 2017:
Prayers for the repose of the soul of Walter Anthony Pivarunas, the father of the bishop. Requiem Mass and funeral ceremonies in Chicago: buried at St. Casimir Lithuanian Catholic Cemetery. Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: new seminarian from Canada, Christian Pawlowski, is received as a CMRI postulant. Formation of a house of study in Colorado for religious seminarians. Three young ladies received as novice sisters into the Congregation of the Mother of God (CMD). Fr. Leo Heinrichs, the martyr of Denver. Moral Theology: Mass Stipends.
January 2017:
Pastoral visit to Guadalajara: recent ordinations to major and minor orders of Carmelite religious. Conference on religious life: the Sisters of the Divine Providence. Administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Observations on the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Upcoming bi-annual priests’ meeting. Moral Theology: Gifts on the Occasion of an Invalid Marriage; the Special Efficacy of a High Mass.
December 2016:
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe; ordinations to minor orders (Stephen Sandquist, Tien Le, Jeremy Saunders, Bradley Parker, Frater Philip Davis, CMRI) and subdiaconate (Frater Augustine Walz, CMRI). Moral Theology: Catholic Baptism; Church Fast and the Eucharistic Fast.
November 2016:
Recent Fatima Conference: Bishop Davila and some of the Trento priests visit to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Bishop Pivarunas. Fr. Alexander Kryssov visits seminary and gives conference on ecclesiastical history. Upcoming ordinations to minor and major orders on Dec. 12th. St. Francis Xavier Misson Fund. Review of Pope Pius XI’s Encyclical on Atheistic Communism. Moral Theology: Quantity of Wine for Mass; Preservation of Altar Breads.
October 2016:
25th anniversary of the ordinations of Fr. Gerard McKee, CMRI, Fr. Daniel Perez, Fr. James Thielen, and also of the death of Bishop Moises Carmona. St. Therese Church in O’Neill, Nebraska, celebrates its 25th anniversary. Conciliar Church to celebrate 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. A few of the heretical and blasphemous quotes of Martin Luther. Moral Theology: Restitution Because of Damnification.
September 2016:
25th anniversary of the consecration of Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI, to the episcopacy; Bishop Carmona’s letter offering to consecrate a CMRI priest; election of Bishop Pivarunas and his curriculum vitae; explanation of his coat of arms. Moral Theology: Requirements to be a sponsor for Baptism.
August 2016:
25th anniversary of the blessing of Mary Immaculate Church in Omaha; biannual priests’ meeting, CMRI priests’ Diet; feasts of martyrs in August. Moral Theology: Validity of Confession; Imposing a Merely Internal Work as Penance.
July 2016:
Fr. Nino Molina returns from Philippines; Fra. Alphonsus Maria, CMRI, renews his vows; first Solemn High Mass of Fr. Timothy Geckle; Fra. Francis Crawford, CMRI, chants the Gospel for the first time. The Pope Speaks: Excerpts from Cux Ex Apostolatus. Moral Theology: Separation of Siamese Twins; Representations of the Sacred Heart.
June 2016:
Ordinations at Mater Dei Seminary: Fr. Timothy Geckle is ordained to the priesthood. Also Frater Francis Crawford receives the Diaconate, Frater Augustine Walz receives the Minor Order of Acolyte, and five seminarians receive Clerical Tonsure. Moral Theology: Proximate Matter of Baptism; How Soon Must Infants Be Baptized?
May 2016:
Ordinations at Mater Dei Seminary: Fr. Timothy Geckle is ordained to the priesthood. Also Frater Francis Crawford receives the Diaconate, Frater Augustine Walz receives the Minor Order of Acolyte, and five seminarians receive Clerical Tonsure. Moral Theology: Proximate Matter of Baptism; How Soon Must Infants Be Baptized?
April 2016:
From the Rector: Upcoming ordinations in May; blessing of new church in Salem, New Hampshire; April, Month of the Blessed Sacrament. Photos of Holy Week at Mary Immaculate Church in Omaha; blessing of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Salem, New Hampshire; Mater Dei Academy archery team. Moral Theology: Purpose of Amendment.
March 2016:
From the Rector: St. Joseph and Vocations. The Authenticity of St. Mark’s Gospel Proved by the Dead Sea Scrolls – by a Seminarian. Moral Theology: Hearing Mass Over the Radio.
February 2016:
From the Rector: Thoughts on the Holy Season of Lent. The Authenticity of St. Mark’s Gospel Proved by the Dead Sea Scrolls – by a Seminarian. On Fostering Vocations to the Priesthood – Pope Pius XI. Moral Theology: Surgery for the Healthy.
January 2016:
The blessings of Christmas (Christ + Mass) for a priest; Letter of the Coeur d’Alene Indians to Pope Pius IX. Moral Theology: Funeral Services for an Unbaptized Infant; Confessins of Sins Committed Before Baptism.
December 2015:
Photos of ordination of Rev. Fr. Robert Letourneau to the ordination and of Frater Francis Crawford, CMRI, to the subdiaconate. Moral Theology: Viaticum to a Child; Permission to Use Confessional Knowledge.
November 2015:
Letter from the Rector – upcoming ordinations on Dec. 12, comments on the “papal” visit of Francis and the Synod on the Family. Photos of blessing of St. Theresa’s Church in Maine. Definition of a Priest. Why Do We Pray for the Dead? by Fr. John A. O’Brien. Moral Theology: Confession of Theft, Dispositions of Penitent.
October 2015:
Letter from the Rector – Reflections on the Patroness of Mater Dei Seminary, Mary, the Mother of God. St. Therese of Lisieux, Excerpts from Her Writings. What Popes Say About the Rosary. Moral Theology: Confirmation of a Retarded Child.
September 2015:
26th year of classes at Mater Dei Seminary begins; blessing of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Rosamond, California. Apocalypse of St. John – Excerpts from a Commentary by Rev. E. Syvester Berry, 1921. Moral Theology: Conditions for an Indulgence, Permission to Substitute the Scapular Medal for the Cloth Scapular.
August 2015:
Bi-annual priests’ meetings; summer camps for children; blessing of the new school in Burlington, Colorado; preparing for the new academic year for both school and seminary. St. Philomena, Virgin and Martyr. Moral Theology: Disposal of the Poor Box Receipts, Disappearance of Library Books.
July 2015:
Upcoming bi-annual priests’ meetings; priests in other countries; commenting on the Supreme Court’s decision on gay “marriage” and the Synod on the Family. Constantine’s Gift of the Lateran Palace to the Pope. Moral Theology: Marriage at Mass Prescribed, Interference in a Proposed Marriage.
June 2015:
Seminary year comes to an end; cosmology in practice at the seminary; Corpus Christi, Minor Orders, First Vows of Bro. Alphonsus Maria, CMRI. The Final Resting Place of St. Peter (from A Pilgrim Walks in Rome by P. J. Chandlery, S.J.). Moral Theology: Dishonesty in a Public Employee.
May 2015:
Minor orders and commencement ceremonies as the scholastic and school years come to an end at Mater Dei Seminary and Mater Dei Academy; groundbreaking for new school in Burlington; Fr. Nino Molina returns to Philippines; celebration of the 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of Fr. Ephrem Marie, Cordova, CMRI. Moral Theology: Preaching the Efficacy of Perfect Contrition, Attendance at Billy Graham’s Services.
April 2015:
Visit from Fr. Floriano Abrahamowicz; Josef Weissensteiner (Italy) receives Clerical Tonsure; upcoming ordination to the diaconate of Rev. Timothy Geckle (Ohio) and Rev. Robert Letourneau (Boston). Photos: group photo of Fr. Floriano Abrahamowicz and new cleric, Josef Weissensteiner; first vows of CMD Sisters. The Last Resting-Places of the Apostles and Evangelists. Moral Theology: Problem on the Eucharistic Fast; The Purpose of Amendment.
March 2015:
March 12 is the 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of Fr. Ephrem Marie, Cordova, CMRI; recent deaths of Dr. Patrick Hughes, MD — the father of Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI, and Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI); and also the loss of Mrs. Emily Radecki — the mother of Fr. Francisco Radecki, CMRI and Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI; upcoming ordinations, CMD Sisters’ vows, groundbreaking of new school; March, the month of St. Joseph. Your Cross by St. Francis de Sales; A Masterpiece of Craftsmanship (St. Joseph’s Stairs in New Mexico) by a seminarian. Moral Theology: The Precious Five-Dollar Bill.
February 2015:
Candlemas ceremonies; seminarians prepare for Pontifical High Mass of Ash Wednesday; practices for the solemn liturgies of Holy Week; pious practices to help keep the spirit of Lent. Acquisition of Statue of St. Philomena. Excerpts from The Life of Father Pro by Rev. M.D. Forrest, M.S.C. Moral Theology: The Absolution of a Recidivist; An Inheritance for Masses.
January 2015:
Pontifical High Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany (photo); comments on the “Synod on the Family”; radical statements and actions of Francis make universal apostasy more apparent; upcoming biannual priests’ meeting in Spokane; imitating the Holy Magi. Photos of recent ordinations, First Vows of Brother Thomas Lawrence, CMRI. Moral Theology: Frequent Communion of the Sick; Obligation to Hear a Complete Mass.
December 2014:
Our newly acquired church, St. Mary’s in Rockville, Nebraska; Indulgences — Our Hidden Treasures. Moral Theology: Sunday Morning Confessions.
November 2014:
The high altar at St. Mary’s in Rockville, Nebraska (photo); renovation and solemn blessing of our newly acquired church in Rockville; considerations for the holy season of Advent. St. Francis Xavier Patron Saint of Foreign Missions. Moral Theology: Dispensation of a Deacon.
October 2014:
Ordination of Rev. Timothy Geckle to the Diaconate; The Life of St. Gabriel, Passionist. Moral Theology: Honesty in Sports.
September 2014:
The Vocation to the Priesthood; The Life of St. Gabriel, Passionist. Moral Theology: Honesty in Sports.
August 2014:
The feasts of the Assumption and the Immaculate Heart of Mary; photos of the blessing of St. Theresa Church in Lebanon, Ohio, the girls’ summer camp. Moral Theology: Choosing a Particular Priest to Officiate at a Wedding.
July 2014:
Silver Jubilee of the ordination of Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI; Excerpts from Pastoral Letter “Modesty in Dress.” Moral Theology: Preparing for the Worst.
June 2014:
The Gifts of the Holy Ghost; Clerical Tonsure, Triennial Vows, Reception of Habit; St. Thomas Aquinas on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Moral Theology: Assistance at Mass in the “Crying Room,” Sunday Observance.
May 2014:
An explanation of first clerical tonsure; photos of Holy Week, Rosary procession, graduates of Mater Dei Academy, Mater Dei Archery team wins state championship. Moral Theology: Conditional Baptism of Dying Non-Catholics.
April 2014:
The ordinations of Fr. Anthony Short, CMRI, and Fr. Nino Molina at Mater Dei Seminary on the feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 2014. Moral Theology: Drinking Cocoa on a Fast Day; A Malted Milk or Milk Shake on a Fast Day.
March 2014:
Comments on the recent statements of Bergoglio; The Martyr of Denver: Fr. Leo Heinrichs. Moral Theology: A Forgotten Sin.
February 2014:
Comments on the recent scandalous statements of Bergoglio; The Martyr of Denver: Fr. Leo Heinrichs. Moral Theology: A Forgotten Sin.
January 2014:
The faith of the Magi; the feast of the Purification; a contemporary miracle (the incorrupt body of St. Bernardette). Moral Theology: The Occult Reception of the Sacraments; An Invalidly Married Teacher.
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