The Requiem Mass is considered by many to contain some of the most somber yet beautiful chants of the liturgy of the Catholic Church. This newest edition of our Sursum Corda CD captures these chants sung by the seminarians of Mater Dei Seminary. We hope you find this recording to be inspiring and uplifting. It is our humble prayer that this CD may help to “lift up your hearts” (Sursum Corda) to Almighty God.

We have provided samples (in blue) for you to listen to before purchasing:

  1. Responsory Subvenite Sancti Dei
  2. Introit Requiem Aeternam
  3. Kyrie Eleison
  4. Gradual Requiem Aeternam
  5. Tract Absolve Domine
  6. Sequence Dies Irae
  7. Offertory Domine Jesu, Christe
  8. Sanctus
  9. Agnus Dei
  10. Communion Antiphon Lux aeterna
  11. Requiescant in pace
  12. Responsory Libera Me Domine
  13. Responses after Libera Me Domine
  14. Antiphon In Paradisum
  15. Antiphon Ego Sum with the Canticle of Zachary
  16. Responses after Ego Sum

Please be sure to share your mailing address when purchasing! Pre-order your copy of our upcoming release today!


You can also find our music on most of the major music streaming platforms. 




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