Help Support the Seminary

"Invest in the future of the Church—support the formation of faithful priests today!"

Mater Dei Seminary invites you to contribute to the sacred mission of forming the next generation of traditional Catholic priests—men who will dedicate their lives to the service of Christ and His Church. The call to the priesthood is a divine gift, and through your generosity, you play an essential role in ensuring that these young men receive the spiritual, academic, and pastoral formation necessary to become holy and faithful shepherds of souls.


As a privately funded seminary, Mater Dei relies entirely on the support of benefactors. Your contributions directly provide for the education, housing, and daily needs of our seminarians, as well as the upkeep of the seminary itself. Every donation, no matter the size, is an investment in the future of the Church, helping to preserve and continue the sacred traditions of the Catholic priesthood.


We ask you to give generously to this most noble cause. Our Divine Lord assures us that what is done for the “least of His brethren,” He considers as done unto Himself. Your charitable support not only aids the formation of priests but also brings upon you spiritual rewards, for Christ Himself has promised to bless those who assist in the work of His Church.


As a sign of our gratitude, all benefactors are remembered daily in the prayers of our seminarians, and a monthly Mass is offered for their intentions. It is through the kindness and generosity of faithful Catholics like you that this seminary continues to thrive and prepare devout priests who will bring Christ’s Sacraments to souls in need.


May God reward you abundantly for your generosity!


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And our mission of forming faithful priests in the timeless traditions of the Catholic Church.

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