Dear friends of the seminary,


We have completed more than a month of classes at the seminary and everyone has situated to the daily routine of prayers, classes, and chores. We have a fairly large group of new seminarians but they are getting adjusted well. Our foreign seminarians this year come from Canada, Italy, Colombia, Brazil, Portugal, and Austria.


There was a bout of sickness that was making its way through the seminarians but thankfully, those most affected are on the mend. This month of October, we continue the custom of the recitation of the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed with the customary prayer of St. Joseph. It is a real blessing for our seminarians to be able to nourish their souls with this beautiful devotion. In addition, during the school year, we have the ability to chant Vespers and Compline every day.


Last week, there was Solemn Vespers chanted in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary for her feastday.We also celebrated the patronal feast for our seminary on the feast of the Divine Maternity, October 11. We had a Solemn High Mass on that day followed by Solemn Benediction and afterwards we made an afternoon excursion to the Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption Grotto in West Bend, Iowa.


We ask you to please continue to pray for our seminary. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support. God bless you all!


Fr. Borja 

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