A Traditional Catholic Seminary:
Mater Dei Seminary is a traditional Catholic seminary founded for the formation of seminarian students in preparation for their ordination to the holy priesthood. Established in 1984, and originally located at Mt. St. Michael in Spokane, Washington, Mater Dei Seminary was relocated in Omaha, Nebraska in 1989. In the fall of 2019, a new property for the seminary was acquired. Situated on ten acres of land and with housing for up to 20 seminarians, this seminary campus is located out in the country and provides a wonderful retreat atmosphere. The seminary operates under the auspices of the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI, and the Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI).
•Mater Dei Seminary: 7745 Military Ave. Omaha, NE 68134 •
• Mater Christi Campus: 3452 270th St. Persia, IA 51563•
January 2025:
Letter from the Rector: Is the Pope a Communist? Francis has done many things that throughout his career as a Jesuit priest with “liberation theology”, and especially now as a false pope by promoting principles of Communism both in his addresses and his actions. The Devil and Bella Dodd outlines the journey of this former Communist and her conversion to the Catholic Faith. Instruments of Satan are not just limited to Communists; for many years the Freemasons have plotted to destroy the Catholic Faith from within by infiltration to the highest positions in the Church. Freemasonry Unmasked by Monsignor George Dillon is an excellent book on this topic. Our Lady’s warnings at Fatima (1917) that if mankind did not amend, Russia would spread her errors. Article: The Popes Against Communism & Socialism. Fr. Connell Answers Moral Questions: Honest Bankruptcy & The State’s Right over Private Property.
* You can find past issues of the Adsum at our SEMINARY NEWLSETTER ARCHIVES*
Recent Events:
Ordinations December 12, 2024
New Scholastic Year 2024-2025
Mater Dei Seminary Recordings:
You can also find our music on most of the major music streaming platforms.